Our school students participate in Extra curricular activities viz Quiz programme, Essay competitions, Sports and Games. Every year we conduct Intramural Sports and Games and prizes are distributed. Essay competition, Quiz programmes, Oratory competition are conducted every year and prizes are distributed to winners.
School Activities
- School prayer is conducted every day from 9.20am-9.40am
- "Flag hoisting" every Monday and Friday or every first working day of the week.
- During prayer, the students recite Nowhar Maha Mandram (Jain Slogam) Vinayagar Sthuthi, Hayagrivar, Guru, Saraswathi, and Hanuman Sthuthi.
- Students take pledge in every day prayer
- School song, Flag song are sung by students on the day of flag hoisting
- We celebrate National Festivals in our school viz on August15, Independence Day, January 26, Republic Day. Almost All students attend the Function and March past is conducted by Students.
- Yoga classes are being conducted to all students
- We also perform Saraswathi Pooja in each class on Vijayadhasami day.
- We also celebrate Suppose Deepavali, Suppose Pongal on the eve of these Festivals.
- We celebrate Sports day in the month of January and Prizes are given to Winning Participants
- Various Competitions are conducted for celebrating Annual day and prizes are being distributed to Students, Teachers and also Class IV Officials every year in March & April.

Club Activities
- We have many Clubs is our School viz Club for Tamil, English, Maths, Science, Social, Computer, Hindi, Sports, Karuna, Yoga and Gardening. In each Club, There are about 50 students from VI & XII-std. They meet regularly once in a week. Many useful informations are given to students beyond the Syllabus. At the end of Academic Year, Valedictory Function of various Clubs is being conducted. Prizes are given to students who participated in Quiz competition of their respective Club
- Every year, Our School students, about 150, are participating in Mathematics Meet conducted by VIT University. They conduct Quiz Competitions, Model making Competition in Three Levels viz Level - I, Level - II, Level – III. We used to get not less than 20 prizes from various competitions
- Besides this, Our Students participate in Essay Competitions at Tamil And English conducted by the TamilNadu Govt. Agencies, We also got Prizes and Certificates in these Competitions
- We conduct Open day at the end of every Summative Assessment ( viz Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Annual Exam ) during Open day, Parents of various class students meet the Class Teacher in person and talk about the performance of their work. Parents are allowed to see the Answer sheets of their ward.
- About 95% of parents attend these Open days and get Feedback from Teachers, Principal and Administrative Officer. Hindi is being taught to Students of V-Std, VI-Std, VII-Std & VIII-Std. They are sent to Parichaya, Prathamic, Madhyama and Rashtrabasha Examination respectively conducted by Hindi Prachar sabha, Trichy.